Featured Main Stage Industry Leaders
- Keith Allman, President and CEO, Masco Corporation
- Christine Bader, Corporate Idealist and Change Agent
- Christie Wong Barrett, CEO, Mac Arthur Corporation
- Lisa Bee, CEO & Co-Founder, Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea
- Rich Berens, CEO and Chief Client Fanatic, Root Inc.
- Joey Bergstein, CEO, Seventh Generation
- Elizabeth Bierbower, President, Group & Specialty Segment, Humana, Inc.
- Joan Blades, Co-Founder, Great Work Cultures Initiative
- Jeffrey Block, Principal, Applied Research + Consulting, Steelcase
- Danielle Mastrangel Brown, Vice President, Human Resources; Group CHRO, Manufacturing, Sales, G&A, and Leadership, Intel
- Sheryl Connelly, Chief Futurist, Ford Motor Company
- Maurice Cox, Planning Director, City of Detroit
- Mindi Cox, Senior Vice President, People & Great Work, O.C. Tanner
- Stephanie J. Creary, Assistant Professor of Management, The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania - Stacey Dietsch, Partner of Washington, D.C. Office, McKinsey & Company
- Rob Dubé, President and Co-Founder, imageOne
- Melissa Kirmayer Eamer, Vice President, Customer Experience, Amazon.com
- Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance, London Business School
- Sarah Endline, Founder and CEO, sweetriot
- Carl Erickson, CEO and Co-Founder, Atomic Object
- Jill Ford, Special Advisor to Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan
- Bob Fregolle, Chief Customer Officer, Procter & Gamble
- Tom Gardner, Co-Founder and CEO, The Motley Fool
- Ashley Goodall, Senior Vice President of Methods and Intelligence, Cisco
- Thomas Grilk, CEO, Boston Athletics Association | Boston Marathon
- David Griswold, President and Founder, Sustainable Harvest, a Portland, Oregon based Benefit Corporation (B Corp)
- Ellen Havdala, Managing Director, Chai Trust Company, LLC
- Dan Hendrix, CEO, Interface
- Michael Hill, President & CEO, Youth For Understanding USA
- Heather Currier Hunt, Global Head of Learning & Development, IDEO
- Ralph Johnson, Learning and Development, McKinsey & Company
- Fred Keller, Founder and Chairman, Cascade Engineering Family of Companies
- Dr. Mehmood Khan, Vice Chairman; Chief Scientific Officer, PepsiCo
- Gregg Latterman, Music and Entertainment Industry Entrepreneur; Adjunct Lecturer of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
- Jenn Lim, CEO, Chief Happiness Officer & Co-Founder, Delivering Happiness
- Paloma Lopez, Global Sustainability Director, Kellogg Company
- Hank Mercier, Chief Optimist (aka Vice President of Sales), People Against Dirty, PBC
- Blair Miller, Co-founder, BlueOrange Sustainable Capital
- Jim Miller, Vice President, Worldwide Operations, Google
- Mark Miller, President and CEO, Cascade Engineering Family of Companies
- Susan Mosey, Executive Director, Midtown Detroit, Inc.
- Jan Mühlfeit, Global Strategist; Coach; Author; Retired Chairman Europe, Microsoft Corporation
- Chris Marcell Murchison, Visiting Leader, Center for Positive Organizations, Michigan Ross; Creative Thought Partner, Consultant, and Positive Organization Coach
- Matthew Neagle, Chief Revenue Officer, Porch
- Jerry Norcia, President; Chief Operating Officer, DTE Energy
- Mike Novakoski, Founding Partner, Become Unmistakable; President and CEO, EV Construction
- Keith Owens, Senior Editor, Michigan Chronicle
- Bruce N. Pfau, Partner; Advisory; Human Capital Strategy and Culture Transformation, KPMG LLP
- Patti Poppe, President and CEO, CMS Energy and Consumers Energy
- Walter Robb, Chairman, Whole Kids Foundation and Whole Cities Foundation; Board of Directors, Whole Foods Market
- Laura Morgan Roberts, Professor of Practice, University of Virginia Darden School of Business
- Rebecca J. Rosen, Senior Editor, The Atlantic
- Judith Samuelson, Executive Director, Aspen Institute’s Business and Society Program
- Shannon Schuyler, Principal, Chief Purpose Officer, and Corporate Responsibility Leader, PwC; President, PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc.
- Rich Sheridan, CEO & Chief Storyteller, Menlo Innovations
- KoAnn Vikoren Skrzyniarz, CEO, Sustainable Brands
- Mary Snapp, President, Microsoft Philanthropies
- Vincent Stanley, Director of Patagonia Philosophy, Patagonia
- Tim State, Human Resources Vice President, Humana
- John Paul (J.P.) Stephens, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University
- Susan Hunt Stevens, Founder and CEO, WeSpire
- Vic Strecher, Founder and CEO, Kumanu; Professor, Schools of Public Health and Medicine, University of Michigan
- La June Montgomery Tabron, President and CEO, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- Joshua-Marc Tanenbaum, Senior Advisor, Tau Investment Management
- Kevin Thompson, Director, North America Marketing, IBM Commerce Mobile and Social
- Daryl Weinert, Chair, Board of Trustees, Youth For Understanding USA
- Ari Weinzweig, Co-Founder and CEO of Zingerman’s Community of Businesses
- John Weiss, Executive Director, The Neutral Zone
- Jeana Wirtenberg, President and CEO, Transitioning to Green
- Christina York, Founder and CEO, SpellBound