Michael Gordon

Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration | University of Michigan

Mike GordonMichael Gordon is the Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration and former associate dean at Michigan Ross, where he teaches students how innovative nonprofits and social businesses can change the world. He is the faculty director of the Center for Social Innovation and serves on the University of Michigan “Poverty Visioning” committee, which directly advises the President and Provost.

He has had broad experience helping organizations around the world use their talents to address societal problems, and do so sustainably, and has also helped students and others launch nonprofits and social enterprises. He has partnered with many prominent scholars, nonprofits, and social businesses to address societal problems.

He is author of the books Social Enterprise and Sustainable Business: Design Your Life, Change the World and Inclusivity: Will America Find its Soul Again? He is working on a new book, What I Wish I Knew Then: Becoming a Social Entrepreneur. He is actively exploring how nonprofits and social businesses can create more inclusive environments in the United States, especially Detroit.

Session: How to Start a Social Enterprise