Kelly Kagan Law

Senior Director, Council, Snap Inc.

Kelly Kagan Law headshotKelly has been envisioning and leading the implementation of wild dreams in unlikely settings throughout her career. She spent over twenty years designing and embedding creative programming, such as Council, a listening and storytelling practice, across public and charter schools and incarcerated settings in Los Angeles.

In 2016, Kelly joined Snap Inc. where she leads a global team that facilitates Council sessions across the business for team members to share stories, build connection, and deepen empathy. Council has been a part of Snap’s DNA since before the company was officially established. Through Council, team members participate in sessions dedicated to scaling empathy and fostering deeper connections. All new team members experience Council as part of their first day at Snap as a way to connect with others on day one. Team meetings often begin with a short Council and as do new client relationships. Council, ultimately, is a way to build a culture of belonging through story. Nonprofit organizations, schools, and businesses, including Snap Inc., use Council as a way to bring people together to practice deep listening.

Apart from her work at Snap, Kelly currently serves as the Chair of the board for the Snap Foundation, which supports youth in Los Angeles gaining access to the creative ecology.

Council at Snap
Snap: kelly_kaganlaw

Session: A Culture of Belonging at Snap
Session: Experience the Council Practice with Snap