More than a Mantra: Decision-Making for the Triple Bottom Line

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals call the countries of the world to action in the name of people, planet, and prosperity. This emphasis on economic development that is both socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable is once again shining a light on the well-worn mantra of business in the name of the triple bottom line. There are two schools of thought when it comes to “achieving” the triple bottom line. One is for businesses to do the best they can at the nexus of enterprise and sustainability and simply call it the triple bottom line ex post facto. The other is to make balancing economic, social, and environmental goals an explicit and proactive component of strategy development and behavior. This interactive workshop will focus on the how-to behind the latter by drawing on recent research and practice informed by the science of decision-making.

Speaker: Joe Arvai

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See Schedules: In-Person & Online