Walter Robb

Past Speaker

Chairman, Whole Kids Foundation and Whole Cities Foundation; Board of Directors, Whole Foods Market
With a long and varied entrepreneurial history in natural foods, ranging from retailer to farmer to consultant, Walter Robb joined Whole Foods Market in 1991. In 2010, he was named co-CEO along with John Mackey at which time he joined the Whole Foods Market Board of Directors. In 2017, Robb transitioned his leadership focus to his role as Chairman of the Board for Whole Kids Foundation and Whole Cities Foundation. He also continues to serve on the Whole Foods Market Board of Directors, as well as Union Square Hospitality Group.

Robb is an ardent organic advocate; he works his own organic garden and has served on the Board of Directors of the Organic Trade Association and the Organic Center for Education and Promotion.

He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University in 1976 and is a proud father and grandfather with two sons, a daughter, and four grandchildren.

Session: Building Positive Business in a Rapidly Changing World