Susan Mosey

Past Speaker

Executive Director, Midtown Detroit, Inc.

susan_moseySusan T. Mosey has been the Executive Director of Midtown Detroit, Inc. (MDI) in Detroit, Michigan for 29 years. This non-profit organization is responsible for community development, marketing, real estate, small business development, and arts programming within Detroit’s University Cultural Center and New Center districts—an area now known as Midtown. MDI also manages public space maintenance and security initiatives for the district. Projects that have been undertaken by the organization under her direction include public improvements such as new streetscapes and park development, greenway planning and construction, and residential and commercial real estate development and management. MDI’s newest initiative is the Live Midtown Residential Incentive Program that encourages employees of the anchors to move to Midtown. The organization also produces a number of signature arts events, including Art X Detroit, DLECTRICITY and Noel Night.

Session: The Revitalization of Detroit—A Story of Commitment, Creativity, and Partnership