Kevin Thompson

Past Speaker

Director, North America Marketing, IBM Commerce Mobile and Social

KBT high res headshot2Kevin Thompson’s varied experiences span from managing a farm and agro enterprise in rural West African as a Peace Corps volunteer to leading a global marketing organization for IBM.

Kevin currently works for IBM Commerce, Mobile and Social.  With over 12 exciting years at IBM, Kevin has had jobs in strategy, corporate citizenship, brand management, market insights and research, account focused marketing, innovation programs and field enablement and in locations ranging from his home office in Ann Arbor, Michigan to five continents.

Along the way Kevin has been named a First Mover Fellow with the Aspen Institute, recognized in the NY Times and other publications and books, featured in a Harvard Business School case study and won a FrED Forum innovation award.  Kevin has also published on topics ranging from cloud computing to next generation leadership.

A high water mark in Kevin’s career was the creation, design, and scaling of the Corporate Service Corps (CSC), often called a “business version of the Peace Corps.”  The CSC has deployed thousands of IBM employees on pro bono assignments all over the world working with non-profits, government agencies, universities and entrepreneurs.

Outside of work, Kevin is a Trustee with the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation, a philanthropic organization serving Washtenaw County, Michigan. He is also a dad and an aspiring chef and musician.

Kevin holds MBA and MS degrees from Cornell University and a BA from the University of Massachusetts in Natural Systems.

Session: Changing Your Company from the Inside Out