Brad Haudan

Senior Vice President of Client Development, Root Inc.

Brad leads Root’s consulting business, which focuses on helping Fortune 2000 organizations effectively navigate the people side of change. He led the development of and helped institutionalize the Root Change Process, which represents our expertise from 20+ years of helping clients implement new strategies through their people.

While he has developed a strength in working with leadership teams to realize new strategic directions and accelerate results, he enjoys working in new industries with new clients on new challenges that afford him the opportunity to continue to learn, serve clients, and build lasting relationships.

Brad bleeds maize and blue. While earning his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, he was a four-year letter winner on the track team. He returned to complete his MBA at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business in 2010. He served on the board of directors for the Letter Winners Club and is a board member for The Generosity Project, a non-profit focused on integrating a curriculum of philanthropy into K-12 schools across Michigan.

Brad resides in Ann Arbor, with his wife, Jenny, and children, Gabrielle, Nicholas, and Ali. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, Northern Michigan, and morning runs. Above all else, he enjoys just being a husband, dad, and friend.

Session: Build Your Positive Change Movement