Featured Main Stage Sessions
Several inspiring sessions will frame the opportunity for leaders to build positive businesses, catalyzing action coming off the conference. Leaders will share their stories, and their strategies for inspiring people, companies and communities to create positive business today.
- donothing®, Rob Dubé
- How Space Shapes Culture, Jeffrey Block
- Motivating Behavior Change through Well-Being, Michelle Segar
- Not So Random Acts of Kindness, Sarika Gupta + Ann Verhey-Henke
- Owning Our Lives as Well as Our Businesses, Ari Weinzweig
- People and Well-Being, Stephanie J. Creary
- Purpose and People, Scott DeRue + Patti Poppe; facilitated by Chris White
- The Positive Business Possibility in Today’s Workplace, Gretchen Spreitzer
- The Purpose-Driven Organization, Steve Nelson + Robert E. Quinn
- Think Long Term, Carl Erickson
- Thriving in the New World of Work, Susan J. Ashford
- Well-Being and Our World, Achyuta Adhvaryu + Vic Strecher
- Working with Well-Being, Mindi Cox
Michigan Ross faculty will lead workshops showcasing academic research as it applies to positive business management across a range of disciplines.
- Applying Improv Comedy to Create Positive Company Culture, Mary Lemmer + Erica Marx
- Building Purpose-Driven Partnerships, Kathryn Heinze + Sara Soderstrom
- Good (and Bad) Lessons on Company Culture from Silicon Valley, Jim Price
- How to Build Strength from Within: Learning to Craft Positive Identities, Jane Dutton
- Leading Positive Change Without Authority, Jerry Davis
- Leveraging Insights from Consumer Neuroscience to Promote Prosocial Behavior,
Carolyn Yoon - Measuring the Positive: How to Create and Sustain a Positive Workplace Environment,
Amy Young + Michael J. O’Brien - Micromoves to Build a Positive Workplace, Chris White
- Permission to Ask: The Secret of a Giver Culture and How to Use It, Wayne Baker
- Positive Leadership and Positive Performance, Kim Cameron
- Purpose Is Not a Buzzword: Why It Matters and How It Really Works, Vic Strecher
- The Next Phase of Business Sustainability: Management as a Calling, Andy Hoffman
- The Three Transformations: A Science-based System for Sustainable Behavior Change, Michelle Segar